Sunday, March 29, 2009

Band Man's Van

yes, today's practice was very prductive!we wrote some guitar licks for the song me and justin were working on previous weeks..we wrote another song with mike, pretty sweet..i like it,. rather boring but that's just me, need to write a better bass line aha

we also named the band (hopefully)we haven't run it bybrad and brodie but we came up with...Third From The Lastyes, no? maybe>?i think its cool. like, it's random enough to be dumb, but also it doesn't make sense which is nice.we wanted first from the last... but that was to much like from first to last... which isnt cool

we're making a new facebook fan page... soon i guess.hopefully.i dont think we should yet though until we have a couple songs recorded.

another cool thing is that we AREn'T doing cover songs! we ACTUALLY write our own stuff, that is profound for a starter band :)and yeah when those two songs are recorded, then we will make a facebook group/fan page.

Butterscotch And Frying Pans (like 5 months old)

ok so this week was pretty much the best week of my life.1. the office was on tonight!!!! 2. teens was simply amaziing, and i got to play basketball and volleyball in that same day.3. i got to play SOCCER in the gym at lunch time.4. i got to sit beside josh in law class.5. iblah
the office was not nothing short of amazing. it was everything i could have hoped for and more! jim and pam got ingaged, dwight and angela are still having their affair. andy, Aka "drew", is apperintly in love hahaha. phillis lost a bunch of weight and is head of the party planning comminty. michael is simply in love, but i don't think that his love loves him back... we shall find out soon enough. kelly passes out from not eating. pam goes to college. ryan is the new receptionist. michael likes his beard. ryan shaves beard. creed is awesome. oscar has a new friend. kevin is no longer retarted. and jan still has michael wrapped around her finger.

the police are an amazing band. especially in Live Aid, when sting wore Parachute Pants...

and ANOTHER THING! we need to put some kind of microchip into dog's brains when they are born so they DON'T sleep on our beds when we are AWAY!!!

i came home tonight and there is white-old dog-hair ALL OVER MY BED!or maybe i could just close my door when i leave... that is a possibility...

you know what i LOVE?! basements that, in the day, are FILLED with O' Natural light! it just makes you happy to be in said basement at that time.

on the other hand, i do not like grouse people's hair, like if it is all dried up and flailing all over the place. makes you want to through up all over their discusting hair.

i also love seeing stupid people sing, they try to cover it up with made up words, and just sing like another song, then they look around, to see if anyone saw them mess up. and they see me :) staring at them, they know i know they messed up, so they give a little "eh im better than you" look and keep singin jeez.

i am proposing the new: Confeity Recycling Project. to help cut down on the amounts of confeity thrown at things or people. so the confeity that is beingthrown at you at a weding reception, may also be the same confeity used in a sacrifitial ceremony in India.

i would also like to make a should out to my lovely Lawn Mowing Shoes, always helping me through the green times.


i am sleeping with the window open tonight! for the first time in ever because my mom always has the AC on for no reason. SOME ONE DOES NOT LIKE THE ENVIRONMENT! it's so cool, and breezy I LOVE IT!

another spot in my heart is left for xbox live: halo 3 !! best game ever!! i have been playing it since 5 o' clock tthis evening.. an it is now 11 at night :

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'll Have Another Slice Of Your Mother

I hate it.whenever i go into the bathroom to do the due, i get shivers!i dont know if it is the big fiberglas and glass fixtures, of if i'm just nervis but MAN. i drop my drawers and my whole body is frozen.especially in the winter ON BOY!

not so much in the summer... concidering... well you do all your business outside.JOKING!obviously it's just hot out, geniuses
freedom of speech is just epic isn't it?

so yesterday i went to bed at 8:30 pmbig mistake..i did not sleep at all!i've figured out if i dont go to bed after eleven i dont get a good sleep at all!i need to take a few days off in between jobs and flippin... take some naps! CHOIIIIIIIIIII

Have Mercy On Our Towels

i dont think anyone knows how epic it would be if The Beatles, The Bee Gees, and Boston combined tallent...they would be called Beaston.

big news, i'm getting a hair getting away from the emo look as far as the hair's just going to be typical preppy-messed up hair... nothing special.why the change?im re applying at mcdonalds.for strictly financial purposes.well and the fact that everyone at swiss chalet is a fagget stoner.and they are mean... emenslyi left mcdonalds before because i had a summer job. but i didnt leave on very jolly terms...they accused me of stealing 5 cheeseburgers..which i didnt doa guy who worked at mcdonalds came in and asked for 5 cheeseburgers, and jokingly i said to the RETARD 15 year old kitchen worker to make 5 cheeseburgers.the guy who requested the burgs had left by this time.the duece-fag in kitchen was making them and got caught. and me, in the back washing dishes (because that was my job (NOT KITCHEN)) was confronted by the manager and written up.i've matured TONS since then (10 months ago)i have a WICKED refference from my dad, the cherry plant, AND harveys, since the incident... so i should be good to work...i've been working hard since i left mcdonalds...and plus they have cameras in the kitchen now so..

i like the lpace because:-as many hours as i can get my hands on! i can take other people's shifts, work double shifts.

-i know the managers, my brother is one.

-sometimes i work 9 hours a day... 5 days a week.

-$5-600 dollars every week-regular raises

-a potential shot at employee of the month-employee of the year-most improved (which i SHOULD have got last christmas!!!! stupid matt barber!)

-WAY more friends there-more responsibility
-amazing discounts nearly EVERYWHERE!


-must have short hair.

-no hair nets

-have to pay for replacements of the uniforms

-have perscribed uniforms (your responsibility)

-not as much lolly gagging as swiss chalet

-dad doesnt like me working till 1 in the morning... on a school night.

-smell grouse afterwards.

-people get mad if you have to stay over at there house because you have no ride home, and you come in at 1 in the morning... smelling like crap.

-i think they drug you-ONE DRINK/SHIFT MAXIMUM!!! no one follows that rule anyway so its all good.

why do coke and pepsi taste the same?aren't they the same company?what the heck?! how can you like one more than the other, that doesnt make any sense at all
i love words that sound SO weird when you say them over and over. whenever i hear one i like to say it over and over and over so people see what im talking about,.. without knowing i was ever talking about it.

whenever i walk and listen to music at the same time i walk to the beat of the matter how fast... if the song is in quadruplits, triplets, anything... thats how i roll....... stroll...hai also like to stroll...lock your hands behind your back, dont talk, lift your chin up... and you have a stroller.
back to the music walking thing,.. whenever i think about walking off-beat I CANT!its impossible! try it! impossible
why is the class "English" called "English"?why not all it literature?same with french.. it should be... "foreign"jeez/

jeez jeez jeez jeez jeez jeez jeez jeez... see?

OK HERE'S A DOOSIE!!!!WHY... do people put FLOWER patterns on sheets BAM!!

like... flowers! they are the lamest things on the planet.why not guitars! or siringes!!!!!i would rather (deja vu) have a bunch of needles on (or in) my sheets than a wimpy FLOWER!(deja vu again)

i love deja vu!keeps me on my toes.
but seriously FLOWERS!obviously a girls idea ...if a guy had the choice it would be a gun. or a rotten deer carcus.i would put one BIG ASS music note or something.maybe a plaid pattern, with a music note border... and a big deer carcus right smack dab as the center piece... yeah that is my dream..imagine asking your great aunt for that! not me... i asked for trackers... what was i thinking... thing is.. i got TWO quilts with trackers on them... and one with hunting dogs and ducks... no dead deer. just dead ducks... exciting

while im at it i must say i LOVE my grandma!she tought me NOT to walk outside in my socks.i learned the hard waywho cares
dont you love old people hair>it just seems to it's softer than young people's... i dont know why
WO i just pictures my mom in the seventies sitting in her room playing harmonica to that one Elton John song... scary

ever think you can do something... then when you try you just suck? like bassill be thinking about a sweet lick. then ill pick up teh intrument and play... then i will forget or just not be fast enough to play what i was thinking...sucksi liek those times when you just lay there, close your eyes, play four or ive notes, add pauses, slip in a hammer on and a slide. then SHIZZAM! you have a riffthose are good times.i think someone should come out with a cd of just guitar and drums.just randomly two hours of them playing off into you can add bass and just make crap along with ithave funthat would be so stellar!profound even.that is where babies are made.

my band needs a name still...if there is anyone reading this we NEED a RIGHTEOus name.

*Note: -Garbage- is already taken :'(oh well. we move on.-Trashmen- isn't...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Pays

ok... my mom has this little wee bottle of Clearasil in the bathroom... it expires pretty soon actually... March 1994!!!! HOLY COW!
why does she keep it so long!!!
AND the bottle is like an inch and a half HIGH!!!
i would never do that!
it is probably so old that it burns your skin as you put it on! dangerous!

today i have started working out everyday! 50 crunches a day. for 5 days. then 60!. five days of that. then 70. etc.
and any various arm exercises i may persevere to want to do.
i have no idea how to spell that word!

i dyed my hair. it looks black...
its supposed to be brown again but i think i left it in to long...

i never thought i would say this
but i bought pink shoes
i kind of like them...
their like Salmon...
oh well.

my spider plant (for horticulture) is doing shapingly!
nice and rooted

the monkees just came on the radio. this reminds me of a day back when me and ethan hung out every day,,,
changing the lyrics to songs.
try and figure out what the song is called!!

hey hey we're the fishes (monkees)
people think we're fishin' around
but we don't do much fishin'
cus that's considered cannibalism

hey hey we're the fishes, people think we swim and jump
but we dont do much jumpin'
cus we're underwater most of the time.
all the birds and the bees (and the fish)
are singing in the trees (and the pond)
i've been to the desert on a fish with no name
a nice day for a white trout
after midnight, we're gunna let it all flip-and-flop around
we will, we will fish you (alt. catch you)
hit the road fish, and don't you come back no more, no more, no me
swimmer, you know you are a swimmer, can you put your head in your fins?
now you put your fins in your head
she's a killa' fiiIISH
it's been a long time since i fished and bowled!
hidey hoe, hidey high, gunna get me a piece of that but blue pooond.
take the last train to fishville, and i'll meet you at the station.
you must be there by four thirty, cus' i've made your reservation.

so i just woke up and the keys are being shifty again!
i was just dreaming about tar, and spreading toothpaste on my dogs belly.
i miss mr. potato head

i bought like 3 pounds of Whopper candy eggs... i think it may take me QUITE a while to finish the bag haha
i remember i used to sneak into my brother's room and steal his... those were the days

i have a line up of concerts i expect to attend:
family force 5
my own band's (in the future)