Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dreaming For Tonight

So yeah hey..
I have lots on my mind, which will slowly (or not) be poored into this site :)

I've been working like, woah, lots, and I haven't been able to go to places, or watch certain things on tv because I was to tired! but soon (in a week) my job will be done and I will be able to do stuff I want!

Also, that youth retreat at the camp is coming up! YES! im so pumped! i bet it's going to be AWeSoMe!!

As for facebook, it is, for the most part, VERY addicting! just like chocolate milk! but i find the only thing i do on facebook is MOB WARS! i do not know why, do not ask me! but meh, what can you do.

I'm OOBER excited for school! grade 12! it's probably going to be SO Much FuN! I hope!

And yeah, more from me... next ime in on :) which i hope will be tomorrow night.

L8r Biscuitheads

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