Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Blue Dust Net

i recently found out that the library in the town i go to school in is SUPER old!
and where all the kid's books are, is where they used to hang the bad guys way back when.
so... the more you know.

Harvey's/Swiss Chalet is like the best place i have ever worked!. they are so incredibly laid back. you can eat whatever. and listen to music. they have like an ipod dock right in the middle of the kitchen!!
at McDonald's they are like Nazi and they don't like it when you talk, but at swiss chalet you can like sing, and yell, and ever burn each other! which has happened alot...

and my grandma died recently which really sucks, because she was my last grandma... besides my step-grandma... who is technically my grandma. but she is cool. and i miss my grandma.

who, and HOW did anyone invent bubble wrap? it's so complex and i don't even see how it could be made.

how it's made should do a show for everything that is ever made. they could go on forever! and have like seasons.
turn it into a reality show. put in characters to fill in time. have like really dramatic roles, and like a guy dies in one season, then comes back a woman in the next season. there should be love affairs, and cheating and gambling, and betrail (i don't know how to spell that) i think it could be good.
the genre could be... drama-soap-reality-chick flick-action-comedy-roman comedy-porno.
that would e sweet!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wet, Stained Ceiling Tiles

when was it decided that space pants were not cool? i would be glad to go back in time and stop this from going out of trend. i think the world would be a better place with space pants and mullets.

this is the kind of crap i have to put up with every day in skewl!

A) Hypothermia -Caused by a reduction of body temperature usually from exposure to cold water or cold weather.
C) Keep warm, gather into a large group of people, wear heavy clothing, have many layers of clothing, remove wet clothing, etc.
D) The could probably stay alive for about thirty minutes in cold water if you wear warm clothing.
1) dial 911 for emergency medical assistance.
2) move person out of the cold.
3) remove wet clothing.
4)don’t apply direct heat.
5)don’t give the person any alcohol.
6)don’t massage or rub the person.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

juicey, blown up, infected, jaberwalkey

so im at the library again and i just got out this rediculous... sweet book!
it's called "Kill two Birds and Get Stoned"
it looks good... but you never know what you got till it's gone. or you've read it.

isn't "Bloke" a trippy word?

so there are retarded kids.
and i have discovered that they tend to hang out at the library
(retarded meaning: dirty and smoking at the age of 10 (smoking meaning: cigarettes))

cigars are for real men.
cigarettes are for scaredy cats who need a habit

I GOT 91% IN BUSINESS CLASS!@! highest in the class!! because Mr. hill said i was the only one who does his work :)

AND i got 71% on a LAW TEST!!!!!!!!


Friday, October 10, 2008

hold up, wait a minute, my bread is just coming out of the oven!

what does "nothing to write home about" mean!?
in the olden days did war soldiers write home about EVERY good thing that EVER happened to them?
if i was in the war i would just make stuff up:

"i had lunch with Hitler this morning"
"i think i watched a chicken without a head... but it might have been a dead guy."
"i got stabbed"
"my stab wound is now better"
"my stab wound got cut back open while i was playing water polo... i mean... practicing stabbing potato sacks"
"i am married?"
"i am not widowed"
"my kids have grown beards and are calling themselves punks?"
"my kids just took over the military camp"
"we mutinied and cut off my kid's beards"
"we can now feed the war-cattle"

wouldn't it be cool to BE a NAIL in a FIRE?!
you'd be in there, all hot and what NOT
and you'd be laughing at the un-cool fir, because the fire can't melt you :)
that would make my day

what does make my day mean?

how did they discover yeast?
did they just throw it into a fire and it ROaSE?

don't you love looking at people in restaurants who are with an awkward dude, and they look like they are about to hear bad news because it is THAT awkward? hahahaah ahhhhh

why do people put little stuffed pets in their car windows...
were they, at one point, real pets?
or are they just sick people who like to torture other people with their fetishes

i hate names with "ie" or "Y" at the end!
it sounds so... un-masculine...
i just say: kellicus..
i add "icus" of "cus" or "bus" to the end... to make me sound supperior :)

something about a back burner

you know when you laugh... but you really don't care what it is you are laughing at, so it's like a really sharp exhale... through your nose...
i hate that

how is it that when an old person snaps their fingers, young people always leave the room... or stop making noise? like when the geezer is on the phone... and a kid walks in screaming at a little plant in a cup.
the olderly person just snaps their fingers and jumps really quickly.... the kid just stops... i don't get it

how big does cabbage grow?

i recently was "in the ZONE!"
i was playing guitar hero 3!
and suddenly, everything just went SUPER slow!
it was totally indescribable!
i got like 98% on "the Devil Went Down To Georgia" when i was IN THE ZONE!!!

i also am starting the trend of wearing slippers to skewl

swiss for sure

i now work at SWISS CHALET!!!!!!!!!!!

Takamine eg512cfg bass maple

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

swiss butter

i might be working at swiss chalet.
who knows.
i got a misterious email from some "Jeff" guy telling me to come in to fill out a application...

i liek buttercups.

i like cream corn.

street signs are to high up, think of people on mopeds who have to strain their necks looking at all the street signs.

jello is better that taffy, because you can put fruit in it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

creative mint

so obviousy i gave up on runnign. it hurt way to much. i may end up running like once a week or something... without stretching first... because i like it when my legs are about to fall off.

the office is on tonight! we are having a party at the booty: liam's house!!!
it's going to be so much fun!

watch youtube
watch survivor
eat turkey dinner
drivehome.. simple.

so to get comunity hours.. i am volunteering at AWANA. it's like a club for little kids.. basically i yell at kids while they run around a circle of tape on the ground. then give them candy for saying bible verses to me. then i watch them learn about jesus. so it's actually fun!

hopefully i can get a job at swiss chalet

last saturday i was at this dude's house in caledonia.. and i was helping him plant little trees. in his yard... then i spayed his walkway with a pressure washer... which took like an hour! it was so boring jeez! i think i did wel lthough too because the next day he told my mom i just wouldnt quit, and hye wants me to come back this saturday to help him build his basement.. i didn't take breaks either when i was there. he would throw a water bottle at me while i was workingt and i would just let it hit me and keep digging.

then we rented movies: baby momma...... which totally was the worst movie i have ever watched. and stranger than fiction. awesome

Music Sauce

these are a bunch of clips from my personal favorite blogs:

Dwight Schrute- Although I may not agree with all polices made by the government, I still try to respect them. I oppose bans on AK47s, but I abide (even though they would come in handy when Wilson Farms inevitably attacks). I begrudgingly pay my income taxes. I try to tolerate a woman’s right to vote. But restrictions on one’s property rights are something I cannot accept. I believe it is every American’s right to do with their land what they please. That is what our forefathers believed. That is what Davy Crockett believed. I believe that’s what Clint Eastwood believes. I wish Dale Hegarty, the Wayne County zoning officer, honored this view, but he does not.

Creed Bratton- Sometimes I’ll do shots of mouthwash. It gets me a little tipsy and gives me great breath.
-Catching flies with your hands is fun, but catching frogs with your feet is a lot more satisfying.
-I’ve always thought that shopping carts are just mobile jails for food and all the prisoners are sentenced to death by ingestion. Kind of makes you shop differently, huh?
-There are two words that make my heart beat like a giraffe approaching a highway underpass. “Internet” and “dating.”
-Visors are hats for people that like getting ripped off.
-What’s better than a nice, hot bath? Almost nothing except for a nice, hot bath with a foxy lady and some fine aged Dominican cigars.

Meredith- Between work and my podiatrist appointments, I don’t have time to screw around. For dinner, I microwave a hot pocket in under a minute. If it’s not fully cooked by then, too bad – I’m eating ya’ half frozen. Take out the garbage? Waste of time and energy; I just throw it out the window and let it blow wherever it’s gonna go. No time for cleaning, shaving, flushing or taxes for this gal. It’s 2008 - get outta my way!

. . . these are the very simple reasons i got into blogging... for people like these.
god i love the office!