alright my health is gone. i have been plucking and slapping on my bass for about two hours and my index finger is COMPLETELY purple and bruised and blistered... this is not good
music comes with a cost eh?
and i guess talent comes with a cost too
my bass teacher told meit takes 10 000 hours to get REALLY good. like professional like:
-victor wooton
-stu hamm
-jaco pastouies
-stanley clarke
-and some other person whose name i cant read :)
who invented the phrase "hit the sack"
what does that mean!
did this person have a tendancy to train before bed? what?
"im gunna hit the sack, then hit the hay"
who hits hay?!
especially if no one knows if there's a needle in said hay stack
my family is french and english.
we all love olives... i dont know if that matters... but its true.
we eat at least a massive jar of olives EVERY holiday.
everyone loves them. it's rediculous!
if you dont like olives your not in my family!
i put them in spaghetti... instead of meatballs. deeeeoooommmmmmmn good!
to day i and two people forgot the name of ROGER ****** from QUEEN!!!! :O:O:O
i suggested roger deacon (idiot)
matt said Roger Waters...? ok
allison said nothing... i cant remember... i was foolish earlier today haha stupid memory!
i dont know who... someone amazing!
bought corn bran today!!!!!!!
best cereal EVER!!!
it always cuts my mouth SOmuch though... thus i eat it soggy..
supertramp came on as i was turning on my laptop... thought i should mention that...
Dreamer was the song...
redefined the way i look at the past... five minutes of my life.
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