Or hard feelings for that matter.
I recently got back from the states... big woop.
i learned a few things... Apple Jacks are still out there AND thriving, there is such a thing as Friendlies Restaurant... and it is heavenly... we ate there three of the five nights we stayed.
oh, and also that Wal Mart is a strange and different place...
Wal Mart has a thing called a Guitar Hero Arcade game... in their Arcade Game section...
i tried Taco Bell over there too... oh my goodness, i think i wet myself.
have you (the reader) ever been excused to go to the bathroom from class to blow your nose because there are no tissues in the classroom?
*i just thought i could smell that awe full place... please excuse me as i regain my thoughts*
and you get to the rest room and all you can use is nasty toilet paper. it's bad enough you have to put your face in stuff that is not meant to touch a face... but whats worse is that it smells like it is recycled fish. Every time i do it makes me feel like the bottom of the nose-blowing foot chain.
OMG it's true ! there is a way to chop off a man's ear... it is it infected and hanging on by a thread of skin.... and you somehow brushed up against it... or pulled it off (as a friend)... then he wouldn't be mad! in fact i think the person would be thankful!
it's the same situation as when a FATHER pulls out his son's or daughter's TOOTH!
(the one thing i am not looking forward to with regards to fatherhood).
it's strange that when people walk by your classroom at school they always seem compelled to look inside... at me... who is inevitably ALWAYS looking back at them. i usually find myself gazing into classes myself as i walk by.
ok what is with all these pathetic facebook and msn status'? they are retarded!
"The silence was our love, then i looked down to my hands and saw your blood."
What?! that's ridiculous!
it's like saying:
"our moment was forever, then i killed you."
that's all!
he's a good one, someone has this as her status:
"remembering...when we were young...and how life was easy..."
wow, she's 18. get a life !
... she must have had a typo.
here's one from someone else:
"And i dont want the world to see me, because i dont think that they would understand when everything made to be broken i just want you to know who I am"
she's 16...
people are pathetic.
1 comment:
Friendly's was too friendly I thought when Laura and I went there on our honeymoon. this old lady was our waitress and she must have REALLY loved her job. she was too friendly. i don't think i've ever met anyone like that in my life.
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