Monday, September 29, 2008

on opposite day, you breathe food, and ingest air?

you know how when you through a bug into water and it just sits at the top?

are there any bugs that just sink to the bottom and die? which is or course WHY& you threw the bug into water anyway?

you know when a person in church gives you money? as like a love offering or God told them to?

has anyone ever given away coupons? like the Red Green alternitive...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

remember me when you are famous.


thursdays are now officially my sabath.

the brand spanking new season of the office is on NBC WOO -the woo

if anyone at all would like to accompany me in my journey through the office time continuom. i would be gladly happy to share the television, and my home. that is truely how passionate i am about teh offeese

mmm cheese^^^

i have recently found like 4 songs i want to do music videos for!
-... forget
-the things we do for love
-after midnight
-nowhere man

it's going to be SOO fun making them! i can not wait at all. im supposed to be waiting for next semester... but if i have enough time i'm going to do them durring my first period spare.

ethan: wussa muh son!
we need to ang out soon for real!

Monday, September 22, 2008

that skinny blonde girl.. again

how does caramel taste on toasT?

how old do you have to be before you suck at blowing your nose?

on opposite day, you breathe food, and ingest air?

you know how when you through a bug into water and it just sits at the top?
are there any bugs that just sink to the bottom and die? which is or course WHY& you threw the bug into water anyway?

you know when a person in church gives you money? as like a love offering or God told them to?
has anyone ever given away coupons? like the Red Green

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Butt er Cup

so libraries are pretty well the IN thing now. all todays Hipsters come down here to hang out and smoke their drugs. IN FACT! i just saw 3 run outside to see some other dirty kids FIGHT.
now naturally i'm not drawn to sweaty, dirty, ugly grade nines fight, but i thought i'd stick my nose in that door.
so they fought, and as crappy as it was... well lets just say it was so crappy that a little old lady broke it up :)

snot is totally not supposed to me here. i have NO idea why god created snot!
i'm going to look it up right now...
. . .
In the respiratory system mucus aids in the protection of the lungs by trapping foreign particles that enter, particularly through the nose, during normal breathing. BUSH!
snot is COMPLETELY focused on ruining mY LIFE!
now i have amazingly bad allergies, sometimes amuzingly bad allergies... but come on.. do i have to be sniffing and blowing my nose 99% of the bloody day!? i lose sleep because of it! every night!
and i feel horibly sick because i snort so much!

i signed up for Bass Guitar lessons today! i go every wednesday at 3:30, in Erie Music.
i figured i could take guitar lessons.... but meh, EVERYONE plays guitar! i want to be totally focused on Bass.
they say (and prove) that a guitarist can play bass, i mean it's just the top four strings of a guitar.
i think it is my calling. plus i need a bass amp... so...

i need a job really bad! like woh,

today was grade nine day, which was surprisingly cool! i got free hotdogs! even though i did not help out!
and the hotdogs were only for the grade 12s that helped out.
so i just posed, i put on a lay (twss) and got in line, they believed me!@ AAANNNDDD i got air heads!! so double jeopardy :):):)!! :O :O0

that is all

. . . you have one hour

i wish music was a day of the week..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

gold buckel purse

my grandpa is SO much better! i want to go BOWLING!~

how much would it cost to make a sandwich of different colored bread? some green. some red.. some bread BAM moving on

how cool is bob barker? how old was he?
was he rich? never mind of course he was rich! i love the price is right! but its like never on tv when i am home :( it's always on at noon! AHHHH

Monday, September 8, 2008


i love monty python, they are sobrilliant!

calculators can ALWAYS be made smaller.. no matter what!

i am going to make up a word that combines all my favorite words... that will mean something TOATALLY SWEET!:

word bank:

= abpethpresentshipedger
= abthresentedgar
= abthrenesk
= abtrain---------- the act of being cool (coolness)
adv. "this pencil is so much more abtrain than any other pencil i have used since i got out of prison in new york, because i used to make seahorses stand on their tails... it was one of my skills."

this is my time of rest

oo fred's got slacks

what would happen if every sheet of paper in the entire world turned slightly orange. would industries go out of business? would files be destroyed? would wars break out? would gypsies come and attack the embassy?

what is an embassy

is anyone reads this: call derrick carvalho *buttercup*

imagine a vanilla cupcake, will banana flavored filling! mmmm
that would be the only thing i ate for the rest of my life!

what would happen if every person between the ages of 30 and 170 stopped wearing clothes... would the other generations fallow suite? (pun)

i enjoy kraft dinner as mush as the guy after the next guy, but is there ANY possible way to make it better?! could

i was the original inventer of weight watchers... believe it or not, it began with just a work out, then evolved into food AND fitness

speaking of evolving, pokemon is pretty much the only game i will EVER enjoyu playing on a gameboy color.. period.

~French Bouquet~

why do people need different sizes of word to type with? it takes forever to switch between the sizes! sheesh"

personally i think we need more one way streets. period. where i live there are NONE! and plus they are SO MuCh EASIER TO CROSS!
imagine all the people, living, that could cross

in the town i go to school in, there are 2 one way streets (know what i hate? when people use "TWO" instead of "2". because like if i was to say that sentence over again: in the town i go to school in, there are two one way streets. this has GOT to confuse SOMEBODY! i mean whatever!) and they are on either side of the library }(which happens to be the PROUD hangout for all the dirty gang-ie kids that live in simcoe!
SARAH CATTEL!@ i wrote this song for you:

Icky thump
Who'da thunk?
Sittin' drunk
On a wagon to Mexico

Ahh well, what a chump
Well my head
Got a bump
When I hit it on the radio

Red-head señorita
Lookin' dead
Came to said,
"Need a bed" en español

I said
"Gimme a drink a water,
I'm gonna 'sing around the collar'
And I don't need a microphone."

Icky thump,
With a lump in my throat
Grabbed my coat
And I was freaking
I was ready to go!

And I swear
Besides the hair
She had one white eye
One blank stare
Looking up,
Lying there

On the stand
Near her hand
Was a candy cane
Black rum, sugar cane
Dry ice and something strange

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

White Americans, what?
Nothing better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too.

Who's using who?
What should we do?
Well you can't be a pimp
And a prostitute too

Icky thump, handcuffed to a bunk
Robbed blind
Looked around
And there was nobody else

Left alone
I hit myself with a stone
Went home
And learned how to clean up after myself

...well that was more for graydon, but it is a FLIPPING GOOD SONG! wah wah

scissors should not be like more than the size of three of your fingers... any longer than that is just NONSENSE!

Monday, September 1, 2008

when does the sun shine?

day 1, the trailer is humid.
the TV Ariel is not working properly, it only seems to work when i stand up.
i have been surviving off ketchup chips and chocolate milk.
i recently listened to a man on the telly BUTCHER "The Joker" oddly enough his name was Eric Miller... and i heard that he was tought guitar by the great Les Paul,,, sweet
i managed to live through a tent meeting at church WITHOUT a mosquito bite :)
i am sitting beside a bag of Bugles.. which i have not had in over five years.
and I'm pretty sure that every child in the world has eaten them off the tips of their fingers.

i came to a conclusion today, i have more zits now than i ever have ever!but i am also eating a lot of sweets though :S

how do you make "100% sunflower oil?" is it possible to have "95.9% sunflower oil" in a product?

finely picked carpentry

i really like dress pants!

i also really like cleaning my room, i don't know why, but cleaning helps me think about stuff... and not to mention i found a bunch of cool stuff:
bawls under my bed
a totally retro bouncy ball
and my retainer hahhaa

i cannot wait until school! there are so many people that i have not seen in like THE WHOLE SUMMER!

and plus i need to find a job :S
i don't want to go back to mcdonalds... but if i have to i would have to be forced to concidering re-applying
not that i didn't totally hate it there... i just don't really like working with food, and some jerks that work there :D

and plus i found out that i actually DO have an air vent in my room@! it was hiding behind a foot stool that i never moved

or should i say under