the one thing i need most of all in my entire life is a personal photographer!!think about it! have you ever been stuck in a really good "wanting to take pictures" mood, and you cant get the right angle with your own arm? it sucks SO much!
i want a guy to follow me around so i can get pictures whenever i want !
maybe a lighting guy would help too! that would e cool, so every shot is picture perfect!brilliance
western doshinion
where is oregon?do they still use wagons to get around?is it legal to park and hunt wherever the flip you want?do they know there is a game named after them?how many grave stones are there along those roads :Show many oxen are actually dead, and floating up and down those rivers... does it matter that the women just give birth in the back of a wagon without medical attention?at the end of the game you have to stear though rocks on a REALLY fast river... where is that riveR? is there an end to the river? are there godesses there with fruit and wine? with REAL umbrellas in their martini glasses?
why do people put little umbrellas in their cups? is it supposed to be like honoring to some kind of gods? or something? the umbrella-vodca-god?meh
who was the idiot who invented pants? they are SO flipping annoying!!always having to pull them up! and buy the right size, then they dont fit and you have to return them!
they should make adjustable pants. so you dont have to keep buying more!
i want to name my kid Egburtits such a stellar name!
"Hey egburt come for breakfast!"
"what are we having?"laughed the boy
"Eggs" demanded the father (quite racistly)
what does cursor mean? in respects to the arrow on the computer doesnt curse anyone. or shout negative comments in anyone's way. it's just there POINTING at things!
why is it when you are shy around people you stutter and mumber, and develope a lisp??!! golly!
what does a lithp help when you are trying to introduce yourself to someone!!?
"hi i'm thamanthlalmmanba"
"pardon? sorry i didnt catch that?"
"im Thamanthlamamba""that isnt coming across to me, maybe you should write it down"
you write:"hippo"
then there is an awkward silence.. . .
i have given up on my dream of being a hippie... as one of you know hippies are just not cool anymore.
let me refrase: hippies are not part of my future
hippies have and will continue to rule the future, but i will never become one.
it is no longer appealing to me.
complaining is like breathing. it is literally impossible to stop doing!
even saying you are going to stop complaining IS COMPLAING(in my mind)
my paster tells me complaining is a sin soo..
good day
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hits The Pluto
What is a hiku?
if you are punched in the face on your left AND right side at the exact same time... which way will your head turn after?
what does jump the gun actually mean?
life is a strawberry pie filled with cherries... you expect sweetness then it sours up and kicks you in the neck
if you know someone who fakes death.. and you get extremely disgruntle about it, and you find out it was fake after all this tramma you just went through... will that increadiblyt affect your relationship with that person? im not speaking from experience... it's just today was the most screwed up day of my life...first i passed a bus-on-car collition and saw a girl get out of the car with like a broken leg. then i find out my friend steven dies (a hoax). then i skip school to support my friend who was closer to steve. and i end up being and emotional scratching post (im not saying what this means) for like 6 hours. then i get my hair died and pet a cat for another hour and a half!
messed the flip up and im pissed cus my bass lesson was cancelled! FRICK!i practiced so hard this week! (just yesterday) but it was ALOTof practicing YESTERDAY!!! GAH
if you are punched in the face on your left AND right side at the exact same time... which way will your head turn after?
what does jump the gun actually mean?
life is a strawberry pie filled with cherries... you expect sweetness then it sours up and kicks you in the neck
if you know someone who fakes death.. and you get extremely disgruntle about it, and you find out it was fake after all this tramma you just went through... will that increadiblyt affect your relationship with that person? im not speaking from experience... it's just today was the most screwed up day of my life...first i passed a bus-on-car collition and saw a girl get out of the car with like a broken leg. then i find out my friend steven dies (a hoax). then i skip school to support my friend who was closer to steve. and i end up being and emotional scratching post (im not saying what this means) for like 6 hours. then i get my hair died and pet a cat for another hour and a half!
messed the flip up and im pissed cus my bass lesson was cancelled! FRICK!i practiced so hard this week! (just yesterday) but it was ALOTof practicing YESTERDAY!!! GAH
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Excerpt from Dwight Schrute's Blog!

When I got the table home, I set Mose to work assembling it. He completed the assembly in just under three minutes. I remember Mose making a similar table out of forest lumber when he was seven – as a joke.
While we all laughed heartily then, except for Mose who was shunned for a week for participating in humor, nobody at Schrute Farms was laughing this time.
Mose cried when he finished the construction. I don’t know if it was because of the poor materials and ridiculous tool he had to use or the memory of his long-forgotten forest lumber joke, but either way there were tears running down his bearded face and it breaks my heart to see that.

It equally breaks my heart to have a piece of furniture in my home that is made of such a quality as that Swedish bedside table.
I smashed that table to pieces immediately. I couldn’t stand looking at it for one more second. From that day forward, I swore that I would never allow another piece of second-rate Swedish furniture into my home ever again.
Anything that makes Mose cry will henceforth be banished from Schrute Farms. Do not trifle with a Schrute. Ever.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Mario Nightmare

immagine some sick teenagers in boston made a horrible horror movie using child characters... like the characters were killing eachother and so on... that would be bad
who invented meatballs.... like... they're meatballs!
dont you hate it when you get those itches on your face?! and they just dont go away!
and you scratch them so much that you just completely mess up your whole face and its all red and imbarrassing.
would it be awkward if a guy told you he liked you so much that he wanted to make you some deer jerky?
i would find it insulting...
i hate it when people go overboard with they're whole mooshyness thing. it's like baby talk with your girlfriend to the MAX!! i could never do that.
has a puppy ever made an actual human being melt?
because it was TOO cute...
if i was to name mechanical things... i would call them mechanisms...
so... "put my bread in the mechanism"
no one would understand me.
i am the progital-blog-son
like a prophasee (spelling error)
who invented meatballs.... like... they're meatballs!
dont you hate it when you get those itches on your face?! and they just dont go away!
and you scratch them so much that you just completely mess up your whole face and its all red and imbarrassing.
would it be awkward if a guy told you he liked you so much that he wanted to make you some deer jerky?
i would find it insulting...
i hate it when people go overboard with they're whole mooshyness thing. it's like baby talk with your girlfriend to the MAX!! i could never do that.
has a puppy ever made an actual human being melt?
because it was TOO cute...
if i was to name mechanical things... i would call them mechanisms...
so... "put my bread in the mechanism"
no one would understand me.
i am the progital-blog-son
like a prophasee (spelling error)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Crate Sauce

so there is this song
i want to start doing handstands... they look like fun and im sure it will make my upper body pretty strong. cus look at your legs... they're strong. so if you can walk on your hands your arms would be as strong as your legs.... though it would take alot of practice to jump during a handstand.
isn't this picture grouse>>>>>>>>
who was the idiot who put peanut butter in milk?! did he (or she) own cows and the cow ate a jar of pb and yuck?
or was he licking a spatula with pb on it while looking down into a coldrin of milk... and it fell out of his mouth. so he (or she) got a cut and scooped it out... then not wanting to be a waste, he (again, or she) drank the milk with peanut butter on it.
there you go
my philosophy
i hope i spelled that right
you know what sucks! i can't spell the most INTERESTING words! this sucls!
like deffinantly
so i have to say, deffs
same with sublimital
if that's what it is
i find if a teacher only ever gives you a page to do of work, and he expects you to read the chapter asside from doing questions. i never read the chapter unless he (or she) tells me to. hmm
maple big staffs

so there is this song
i want to start doing handstands... they look like fun and im sure it will make my upper body pretty strong. cus look at your legs... they're strong. so if you can walk on your hands your arms would be as strong as your legs.... though it would take alot of practice to jump during a handstand.
isn't this picture grouse>>>>>>>>
who was the idiot who put peanut butter in milk?! did he (or she) own cows and the cow ate a jar of pb and yuck?
or was he licking a spatula with pb on it while looking down into a coldrin of milk... and it fell out of his mouth. so he (or she) got a cut and scooped it out... then not wanting to be a waste, he (again, or she) drank the milk with peanut butter on it.
there you go
my philosophy
i hope i spelled that right
you know what sucks! i can't spell the most INTERESTING words! this sucls!
like deffinantly
so i have to say, deffs
same with sublimital
if that's what it is
i find if a teacher only ever gives you a page to do of work, and he expects you to read the chapter asside from doing questions. i never read the chapter unless he (or she) tells me to. hmm
maple big staffs
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