Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tea In The Sahara

the one thing i need most of all in my entire life is a personal photographer!!think about it! have you ever been stuck in a really good "wanting to take pictures" mood, and you cant get the right angle with your own arm? it sucks SO much!

i want a guy to follow me around so i can get pictures whenever i want !

maybe a lighting guy would help too! that would e cool, so every shot is picture perfect!brilliance

western doshinion

where is oregon?do they still use wagons to get around?is it legal to park and hunt wherever the flip you want?do they know there is a game named after them?how many grave stones are there along those roads :Show many oxen are actually dead, and floating up and down those rivers... does it matter that the women just give birth in the back of a wagon without medical attention?at the end of the game you have to stear though rocks on a REALLY fast river... where is that riveR? is there an end to the river? are there godesses there with fruit and wine? with REAL umbrellas in their martini glasses?

why do people put little umbrellas in their cups? is it supposed to be like honoring to some kind of gods? or something? the umbrella-vodca-god?meh

who was the idiot who invented pants? they are SO flipping annoying!!always having to pull them up! and buy the right size, then they dont fit and you have to return them!
they should make adjustable pants. so you dont have to keep buying more!

i want to name my kid Egburtits such a stellar name!
"Hey egburt come for breakfast!"
"what are we having?"laughed the boy
"Eggs" demanded the father (quite racistly)

what does cursor mean? in respects to the arrow on the computer doesnt curse anyone. or shout negative comments in anyone's way. it's just there POINTING at things!

why is it when you are shy around people you stutter and mumber, and develope a lisp??!! golly!

what does a lithp help when you are trying to introduce yourself to someone!!?
"hi i'm thamanthlalmmanba"
"pardon? sorry i didnt catch that?"
"im Thamanthlamamba""that isnt coming across to me, maybe you should write it down"
you write:"hippo"

then there is an awkward silence.. . .

i have given up on my dream of being a hippie... as one of you know hippies are just not cool anymore.
let me refrase: hippies are not part of my future
hippies have and will continue to rule the future, but i will never become one.
it is no longer appealing to me.

complaining is like breathing. it is literally impossible to stop doing!
even saying you are going to stop complaining IS COMPLAING(in my mind)
my paster tells me complaining is a sin soo..
good day

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