Thursday, June 18, 2009

Backseat Inspiration

i personally like to sit on the right side of the bus.
today i was thinking... im weird...
like wearing my watch on my right hand, im supposed to be wearing it on the left hand... its the same thing with this situation:

people have their favorite side of the bus... i know this because my bus is riddled with people who never sit anywhere else.
i always figured they decided by the way their hair is parted.
people whose hair flips to the left would sit on the left... because i figure the right side of their face is more attractive.
people who sit on the right side usually have hair that flip right.
if your hair doesn't flip... you are problem free.

the reason i figure im weird is because my hair flips left... and i prefer to sit on the right side of the bus.
maybe this just means that i dont care what people think of me... oh well.

go to a crowded street.
there you will find tons of peeple.
now you have to come prepared.
bring a huge stereo and a catchy tune.
ok for this instance we will use the Beegee's Jive Talkin'
now take the song and play it through the stereo really loud.
-People walk to ANY beat they hear!-
its true.
now in this case they may be running away to the tune, because of the level of volume... so turn it down, and watch the people walk to the beat!~
when i walk and listen to music; when im not dancing, i always find myself walking to the beat. its awesome.
and the thing is when you are thinking about it, you cant stop walking to the beat. its impossible to go off beat!
now if its a double beat or an off beat your brain will just compromise (depending on your musical ability) to the beat. it's quite neat.
every time im at a place where there is loud music i ALWAYS just sit and watch the people and their walking habits.
its coolio

so summer is upon us!
id have to say it was quite brilliant... the school year...
the future is going to be awesome! im so excited

i want to grow a beard.
i want to go forward in time.
to feel the hair creasing my face.
to braid it till the wee hours of the night.
to be a samarai.
mustaches are ok too

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