Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Naustral Sauce

smelly criminals are the worst breed. worse than streekers at a baseball game.
no man wants to be stuck policing a baseball game. you are pretty much garunteed to touch something at that job that YOU DONT WANT TO!!
it's like standing beside a male bathroom. you know something could happen.... but you are ALWAYS unsure. a man could walk out while doing up his zipper or worse... kidney.... stoners. no one wants to hear that.
speaking about police. wouldn't it suck to have to tazer a smelly guy?
the smell or electricution on skin is bad enough, but add two months of no showers and working at the fish market, you have yourself a prize stinker!! in your nose.
immagine if a turtle invented TNT... that would suck.
maybe a mad scientist could get away or recover... but a tortoise... never...
its stuck in there with its creation no matter what happens!! no escapes...
secondly immagine the turtle had a meth lab in its shell!! it would never be caught! epic. i have to take this idea somewhere...

i used to do a little but a little wouldn't do so the little got more and more. i just keep trying to get a little better said a little better than before.

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