Sunday, November 30, 2008

crazy mushrooms XD

you know when you cough on someone they get a cold?
well if you cough on your own food, then eat it... will you automatically get a cold?

i can talk pretty low already, when i breathe in and talk, but i can go SOlow if i breathe in and talk while i have a cold!
think about it, think think about it.

woudl you say the name Choi sounds asian somehow?
nope, it's not. it's indian
so.. the more you know.

the doors is apperintly a bad game?
it's a good band... dont play any games called "the doors"

tell me... is this annoying? "XD" yES!

for instance:
hows it goin
"awESOME!! im with SAM XD"
that's cool
"I know EH! xD"
i broke my arm this morning
"THAt's To bAd :( XD"
dude shut up
"you WaNt To fiGHt? XD"
you sound gay

yeah, people use "XD" way to often!
once in a paragraph is to much!

so i decided to paint in my good jeans..
supposidly water-based paint comes out of clothes... lies, actually
whoever told you that is lying to you

did you ever wonder as a child if the presents you got for christmas were from value village or something? or like... hand-me-downs that your parents didn't tell you about?
im going to cheep out so much on my kids.
going to give them toothbrushes and say "cheers to healthy teeth!, you'll thank me in twenty years when you don't have to have a root-canal when you are sixteen like me.

yip that's right i had a root-canal when i was 16
janruary 1st in fact

sometimes i wonder if i will go over my 2500 texts/month limit... cus i text like 200 a day......?

ok best drawing/art/photograph EVER
a little boy in front of like a fence, and there is like a horse behind him bighting his hair.
if you were to do that in real life it would take SO long! you'd have to torture the horse, or like burn it or somethiing! put like an apple on the kids head. dye his hair green.
the boy would have to sit there fr SOlong too!

mr cooper is evil! so m not going tonight

don't you love those little white things on your tounge? i like biting them off!
it hurts for a bit then you just get an addrennalin rush!
or how ever you spell that
audio adrennaline is the BEST band ever! o
or one of them

anime people don't usually have blue hair do they?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prank Stick Figuring

my ultimate job would have to be... waking up at 3 everymorning and going around my neighborhood picking moss off of the trees in my neighbor's front yards. they like tape a $5 bill to the trunk of the tree and i go by and pick off the moss!

if they are seriously going to put this law in place about not talking on your cell phones while driving, they should spend billions of dollars to widen every road so that drivers can pull over safely and answer their calls. this is the ONLY WAY! or not.

dont you think "Porthole" is a strange word?

take a minute, say it to yourself a couple times

.....................................................ill wait..........................................................

see? it's so odd, same with "frog desease" say that a couple dozen times in a row

..................................go on................................................................................

figured out the meaning of life

im not going to tell you

bubbles seem so weird! until you find a picture on the internet of the INSIDE of one 8p

woh :u

Atreyu is the best band i have listened to THIS MORNING! yis, this WHOLE morning!

i figured out how to spell "Potato" dang.
or is it spelled potatoe......
comment brahdda mon, brahdda mon

today was wacky hair day... and lik 3 people care... i dont. that is a promise.
my hair is wacky every day
to some people... like people in lost tribes somewhere in africa


pommegranits would be sweet to grow, cus no one knows what one is. you say

"i grow pommegranits"
they say

"what is that?"

"i forget"

and you totally throw them off the scent.

then they call the cops and they (pigs) break down your door and find apricots.
you are arrested for being bored and leaving business clas :O

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blue Erasor Fungis

graydon's house is my new house.

why do girls put pictures on facebook, then put like a stupid peom as a discription

i just helped fellow students start 2 new blogs wah wah waaaaaahhhhh



  • this is is gay

  • im not using it

  • F.Y.I.

  • not usefull at all

hey, how ya doin, so i dont like obama, hes a babykillla

i added an "a" to make it eexxxtra emotional.

not... cut myself emotional

i look emo, people think i am, but i call myself Modernist

or something.

im not punk either.

never type "goog" into an adress bar. spacesareforyou

quaker totally used to be my favorite cereal ever!

boredom, subsequential thirst, desease, famine, bibliography, how do you spell deffinantly, indeffinant, i wish this blog had spell check. im going to wear a pink tux to the prom. finger music is fun, i have an orchestra. you, find my juice box...................................................................................

im boredddddddd


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flubbery Tucking in a Dance Balloon

would it be a coincidence if a tattle tail lived in the sewers? get it?
because people call tattle tails "rats"
never mind

have you ever told someone your DREAM in life, and the person was like "i dont believe in you?
"maybe you should be an accountant... mall security is FAR to dangerous."
that would be so shattering for a little kid!
i wanted to be a garbage man when i was little!

i have had sideburns for more than a month and NO ONE has noticed !!
ah the advantages of being blonde!

yoshi moroe or something is sitting beside me in the library, and he is on Yahoo Japan.
it's so cool! he can write japanese SO WELL!!
if i was japanese it would take me like a year to write a peom... or a lymrick

A What In The Part

has anyone ever died from tripping on a wet floor sign?? how completely tragic would that be?!

so a day last week my dad took me and my sister christmas shopping. he gave us like a huundred bucks and took us to a mall to get stuff that we want. the only trouble with this is hat i have to live knowing what im getting for christmas, and let it eat me from the inside out. and another reason it sucks is because it was NOVEMBER 14TH!... christmas in a month and ten days! what if the skinny jeans i got dont fit me in a month because i gained a hundred and sixty three pounds
so this is what:
-a green and grey striped hat
-a black pair of skinny jeans
-an Atari t shirt
-one of those t shirts with jesus and it says "i want to be formal, but im here to party"
-a guns n roses c-double-d
-a The Who poster
-a popeye t shirt
-and a tshirt with a joystick on it..

i just realized it's snowing outside! it's been raining all day..

i can't wait till the slums of winter! i love winter so much! there's this street in townsend that has these street lights all along it , and there's kirds along it and it's really wide..; well i like running down it and sliding on my stomach, and i usually have a golfball or something thati throw and run and chase... somethings you just have to do to stay sain.

in what instance would anyone EVER use these symbols:
~ , ` , { , } , > , < , ^ or what the flip is ?!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blue Scotch

ok wo.
i got my midterm report card and HOLY CRAP!
my average is 79% between my two classes!

in Phys ed i got 72% and my teacher's comments were:
Joel co-operates well in group situations. he regularly demonstrates a determined effort and stays on task. joel needs to increase his intensity level in activities.
I think: if logan ernst didnt keep kicking volleyballs at my face i would feel more like i want to increase my intensity level

in Law i got 72%! comments:
Joel is achieving a measure of success in his law program. there has been some slippage in the test results, perhaps coinciding with your degree of energy in class. you are a capable learner, so do your best to be fully engaged each day.
ME: i am going to do better on tests, because i NEED a goos mark in this class!

Entrepreneurial studies:
excellent work joel. the quality of your work is very good, and done in a timely manner. keep up your awesome effort.
and i got 92% IN THAT CLASS!!! the class average is 50 hahaha
no one ever does work though so i understand.

on a different note:

what is with crossing guards? that is such a weird job... im just going to say this... they need to give the crossing guards POlice background checks... before they start work.

cockpit is such a nasty word

why are there so many dirty kids in my school? is "Dirty" the new cool??

ok my bedroom carpet is SOdirty!
there are stains EVERYWHERE
my brother's old BLue hair die, my puke from when i was 3. marker stains, everything. my room is a discrace.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the real inner city

so last time i wrote a blog was forever ago. i have done alot actually! i have eatin many things, traveled... i recently went to Hamilton for a youth event called SUPERBOWL!! i met some wick awes people there too! the band with Derek is progressing lol, i'm getting my new bass next SATURDAY!!! im SO pumped! then hopefully i can get a Bass amp for Christmas/my birthday. then im going to buy an acoustic Takamine!!! WOo i got a hair cut too! the "Emo" cut! i like to call it a "Mod" cut. because i'm not emo... im turning mod too ha, i like to wear lots of stripes and SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i find riding the bus at NIGHT is SOOOO much different from riding it in the morning. i find that little kids, somehow, get more hyper at night... and usually i like to sleep on Night buses... so it's not cool for me. i discovered Halloween Gingerbread houses....... i did not know they ever ever existed... im going to go bathe

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome Green Tea

the hardest button to button

E string:
ten ~slide~ five ~slide~ Seven ~slide~ three
this is SOfun

a stick a dog and a box with something in it.


metallic red
two double pickups
cherry neck
twenty four frets
AWESOME tuning knobs
electric BOOST!
four weird little things to change the sound of the... sound
and it's only February old!

my mom bought it for me from a ude at my church!!!!

my sister has a really stupid boyfriend. Aaron Taylor, if you know him, be sure to throw up in his shoes.
he does drugs and drinks and will for sure get her pregnant. so.
and he looks like a queer that has bad posture, acne problems and his looks could make an elephant puke and die in it;s own puke. he is the one person she should stay away from. PREGNANCY!

this is my best facebook status yet!:
Joel is predominantly incorporating the discriminating incorrectness for the substitution of Pi

i'll tell ya!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Inner City Pressure

so last time i wrote a blog was forever ago.
i have done alot actually!
i have eatin many things,
traveled... i recently went to Hamilton for a youth event called SUPERBOWL!!
i met some wick awes people there too!

the band with Derek is progressing lol, i'm getting my new bass next SATURDAY!!! im SO pumped!
then hopefully i can get a Bass amp for Christmas/my birthday.
then im going to buy an acoustic Takamine!!! WOo

i got a hair cut too!
the "Emo" cut!
i like to call it a "Mod" cut. because i'm not emo...

im turning mod too ha, i like to wear lots of stripes and SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i find riding the bus at NIGHT is SOOOO much different from riding it in the morning. i find that little kids, somehow, get more hyper at night... and usually i like to sleep on Night buses... so it's not cool for me.

i discovered Halloween Gingerbread houses....... i did not know they ever ever existed...

im going to go bathe