Sunday, November 30, 2008

crazy mushrooms XD

you know when you cough on someone they get a cold?
well if you cough on your own food, then eat it... will you automatically get a cold?

i can talk pretty low already, when i breathe in and talk, but i can go SOlow if i breathe in and talk while i have a cold!
think about it, think think about it.

woudl you say the name Choi sounds asian somehow?
nope, it's not. it's indian
so.. the more you know.

the doors is apperintly a bad game?
it's a good band... dont play any games called "the doors"

tell me... is this annoying? "XD" yES!

for instance:
hows it goin
"awESOME!! im with SAM XD"
that's cool
"I know EH! xD"
i broke my arm this morning
"THAt's To bAd :( XD"
dude shut up
"you WaNt To fiGHt? XD"
you sound gay

yeah, people use "XD" way to often!
once in a paragraph is to much!

so i decided to paint in my good jeans..
supposidly water-based paint comes out of clothes... lies, actually
whoever told you that is lying to you

did you ever wonder as a child if the presents you got for christmas were from value village or something? or like... hand-me-downs that your parents didn't tell you about?
im going to cheep out so much on my kids.
going to give them toothbrushes and say "cheers to healthy teeth!, you'll thank me in twenty years when you don't have to have a root-canal when you are sixteen like me.

yip that's right i had a root-canal when i was 16
janruary 1st in fact

sometimes i wonder if i will go over my 2500 texts/month limit... cus i text like 200 a day......?

ok best drawing/art/photograph EVER
a little boy in front of like a fence, and there is like a horse behind him bighting his hair.
if you were to do that in real life it would take SO long! you'd have to torture the horse, or like burn it or somethiing! put like an apple on the kids head. dye his hair green.
the boy would have to sit there fr SOlong too!

mr cooper is evil! so m not going tonight

don't you love those little white things on your tounge? i like biting them off!
it hurts for a bit then you just get an addrennalin rush!
or how ever you spell that
audio adrennaline is the BEST band ever! o
or one of them

anime people don't usually have blue hair do they?

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