Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prank Stick Figuring

my ultimate job would have to be... waking up at 3 everymorning and going around my neighborhood picking moss off of the trees in my neighbor's front yards. they like tape a $5 bill to the trunk of the tree and i go by and pick off the moss!

if they are seriously going to put this law in place about not talking on your cell phones while driving, they should spend billions of dollars to widen every road so that drivers can pull over safely and answer their calls. this is the ONLY WAY! or not.

dont you think "Porthole" is a strange word?

take a minute, say it to yourself a couple times

.....................................................ill wait..........................................................

see? it's so odd, same with "frog desease" say that a couple dozen times in a row

..................................go on................................................................................

figured out the meaning of life

im not going to tell you

bubbles seem so weird! until you find a picture on the internet of the INSIDE of one 8p

woh :u

Atreyu is the best band i have listened to THIS MORNING! yis, this WHOLE morning!

i figured out how to spell "Potato" dang.
or is it spelled potatoe......
comment brahdda mon, brahdda mon

today was wacky hair day... and lik 3 people care... i dont. that is a promise.
my hair is wacky every day
to some people... like people in lost tribes somewhere in africa


pommegranits would be sweet to grow, cus no one knows what one is. you say

"i grow pommegranits"
they say

"what is that?"

"i forget"

and you totally throw them off the scent.

then they call the cops and they (pigs) break down your door and find apricots.
you are arrested for being bored and leaving business clas :O

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