Sunday, August 31, 2008

brilliant yet kind

i think all humans should be given a medal... made of tires... this would DIFFIDENTLY help with the whole, tire in the landfill, situation. or make the medals out of candy, or gum, or Teflon, TIN FOIL! nobody likes that nasty stuff! except my grandma...

we never seem to have tin foil... like yesterday i was looking for some... ofr the first time in about seven years... and WE HAD NONE! like what the heck people! or mom! i know we never NEED tin foil but it would be nice to have some laying around when i want to make PORK ROAST when i have FRIENDS OVER!
oh well
i have forgiven the government for those stupid commercials about how awesome Steven Harper is, and how much he loves kids and is a great looking individual. like he's ALREADY PRESIDENT! he doesn't need more commercials!
I'm tired enough of seeing commercials with women with bouncy hair smiling and saying how a shampoo the have never used before "helped make them a goddess with bouncy, silky, luscious, magnificent hair", without having it followed by a commercial about the leader of my country trying to sell himself to voters... that are not going to vote... because there is no election, because he is already commissioner!

but I like cheese... some kinds i like in chunks, others i like graded in a bowl, and sometimes i like to slice a piece... piece off with a knife... which helps further my career as a murderer :)

basically a format of juice

i have decided to take up writing, and running, and homework, and washing my face.

so i am going to make a list, of sorts, on how this will or could possibly turn into a carreer... or help in one... or what i would have to do to make this my life.. thing


amazing finger muscles
good ideas, that will last a lifetime.. or whatever
sweet abilities that will make people want to read what you write... so like wizardrey skills
if i was typing on the computer... i would probably, gradually need glasses.
if i was writing on papre... i would need rub A5-35... for the writers cramps i am destined to get
and a publisist

if i wanted to be a runner:

killer body
washboards you could eat off of, or EVEN peel POTATOES ON! or not
strong legs
time to train
some easy butt jod that would allow me time, and flexability to train
a killer wife/GF that would motivate me to keep going... or maybe a LOFT WOO
nice runner shoes for thee ole' feet
stellar head bands (for the sweat)
radical wrist bands (for the sweat)
psychedelic spandex for my killer body to be shown off in... or to cut down on fuel emissions... or wind resistance
and a place to run... either a sidewalk/road, or a tred-mill

can stand the sight of blood
a sweet email adress... like: or .ca which ev
a cool trait... like a hocky mask, or i give flowers to all the family members of the person i killed
i would not do mass-murders, that would reek HAVICK on my bank account (due to overages on flowers i would have to purchase)
killer B-O-D (body duh)
a signature, so the FBI know it was me that killer the victim
a raunchy name... like: "who's death is it anyway"... or "the crime dime"... "sew me i'm white" "crime smells like me, and i'm Mr. LONGNAME!" (no... to long)....... maybe just chuck or lance
oo lance

detective, we found evidence that lance... (passer-byer "oo's and ahh's in fright) the vanpire's friend, killed this man and his children. and everyone in his family found cheep plastic petunias in there mailboxes this morning.

detective: this guy must be cheep to leave this kind of JOKE! (pops a childs baloon out of rage). we need to CATCH this guy before he delivers more... packages! i want Six Thousand men in EVERY dollar store in this COUNTR! to catch this perv when he goes to buy more petunias!... petunias... petunias (echos)

so you catch my flow...

if i wanted to be a banker:

rich... or would that come AFTER i got the job?
casino owner... nevermind
sweet suites... i have no idea how to spell that word, i don't want to say suits, as in the place you rent from like a hotel or what-have-you i mean like the kind you wear... even though you would probably want a pretty sweet pad to lay you head... like a bachelors pad... or a loft on the thirty seventh floor of the ROXBURY!

house keeper:

computer skills
army skills
knife skills
bowstaff skills
tiger taming skills
cake slicing skills
fire breathing skills
nunchuck skills
pierse brosnan skills
tomahawk skills
heroin pumping skills or defaults
making out skills
manacure skills
shaving skills
window washing skills
bread eating skills
living skills
car washing skills
throwing skills
catching skills
killing skills
playing hide and seek skills
dancing skills
forgeting skills
petting dogs skills
BBQing skills
party attending skills
venting skills
cleaning air-ducts skills
krumping skills
button pushing skills (no pun intended*( actually yes, yes there is))
betch saying skills
obviously speaking skills
stalling skills
eatng skills
throwing up skills
swallowing small things later to be thrown up in secret skills
burping babies skills
hanging christmas lights skills
baking brownies skills
selling drugs to children skills
hanging out skills
being "just friends" skills
not making awkward situations more awkward by not saying anything or making eye contact skills
repeatedly throwing a ball against the wall and catching it skills
escaping from prison skills
extreme smelling skills
non-swelling skills
eyebrow trimming skills
typing on the computer skills
repairing a blown fuse skills

basically just the essensial skills that are nesseccary to succeed in life in general

pastrey chef:


factory worker:

lots of time


a heart


...did this one

deep into the fog

is Oh a number?

i like seinfeld.

ever pondered how long you could last with just the food accumulated in your home? like if you completely stopped buying any food, how long do you think it would take to completely eat it all?!@

i, for one, have a lot of food in my house, like tons, and my mother just recently told me she needs to stop buying food, thus arousing this discussion on my blog-tothe-spot-tothe-blog-thing.

i totally hate it when the buttons on your keyboard stick! like the right arrow key on mine. when i push it, it's like. i don't really think i pushed it because it doesn't make the right sound, and it doesn't spring back... like i LIKE my keyboard key to DO! but it still directs my curser... minus the click and the spring. so i am happy either way.

ever had a shirt that is like heart BUSTING to throw out?!
i have/did/do. my COW^ shirt... it's to small, and i do NOT want to throw it out! but i did... and to keep the memory alive, i cut out the picture of the cow. and i am going to put it on my dresser until the day when i get enough energy/stamina/health/homes/jobs/hitlists/banks/cities/hospitals/godfathers/fights.../stockpiles/mobsters/BOSSES! to DO the TASK!
HAH@@114586> betch

betch is the best word invented by anyone.
it can be a noun, a verb, adverb, pronoun, predicate adjective (which is code name for a verb;)

BLAST WITH THE right arrow KEY aGaiN


how big does a zit get if you DO NOT touch it??
does it just keep growing?
do you have to continue to spaz out on the sugar cravings?
do you not have to tooooouuuuch it?

how do you peopel sleep on your back?!
i am proud to say i never have, heaven knows i have tried!

or KIMpossible
is it... kimplossable?
or just unidentified-idly gay

wow usually about half way through writing these things i get bored! but i was actually bored when i STARTED! astonishing my spell word thing is not wording, see watch

criblinguistic betch

love it

*DOme, not dom!*
there should be a show for words that make no sense, but totally have like a hidden message!
see if you can find the hidden message in this one!:


you could beat the beet
or use beets to beat bears!
or Bury a Bear in a Beet Field, while eating Blue Little POWERTHIRST Models!







is your name lynn?! (L-Y-N-N)
then stay the F-WORD home!
betch (ufinism)

or so u are told

who was the first one to say: u, r, txt, lol, lmao, rotfl, dooa (dying of old age(me)), or "haha"
pff twas moi

i have a brain ache spoh goodtehnighteh

Sunday, August 24, 2008

ok so what

.. i was currently at my grandpa's place (nursing home) and i was watching the closing ceremonies for the olympics with him
meanwhile my dog was up on his bed trying to steal his food

and a thought came to my little head.. "wow, the chinese
REALLY try hard to impress people!
they had like thousands of extra people come into the stadium to fill up space! and make china look..... good? iunno* but WO the performancwes were WACK! SO COOL the things they used i had like never ever seen before!
bungi stilts
a bicycle with one wheel that went around the person's head

one thing i did not get about it was the fact that they had two little kids RIGHT in the middle of the dancers.... just.... playing drums :S

i also came to the conclusion (again) that i want to run
so every morning during school i am going to be getting up at 6 AM to go jogging, then catch the bus at quarter to eight

i also don't like medium-long hair, it gets in your eyes, and just looks BAD!
im gettign a hair cut soon so i can spike it up :)
not in the gay way.. in the stylish way!

*i never say that word!

bouyancy oh well

today's WROCK!
ethan and myself were at the library when i last met you.. and since then we spent a bunch of time att teh trick man's house, then he ditched us oppositely, and we went and seed step brothers

which i have to say is one of my new favorite movies :)

then we got confused and went to the duttons house and hung out with a trillion poeple, who odly enough.. i know all of :D

then we lit off somefire works that that guy gave me, in the middle of the park vat lynndale school

then we watched the olympics, saw a whore named kelsey and got a ride home from my brother bye

i think water should be like, super concentrated into pill form, so that we dont have to drink so much
but then stupid teenagers would abuse therse water pills to try aqnd get high,. but end up over-hydrating themselves... so nvm

Saturday, August 23, 2008

cream corn tastes better than pop corn, and other things..

so today i am at the library with my good friend ethan roonay!

we just ran into my friends ryan and lindsey,,, who happened to have fire works... and gave them to me...

we are also waiting for my main man from.. to get home from his DATE with his GIRLFRIEND!
so we can hang out till we go and see STEP BROTHERS!!!! WOOT

i am SO pumped

though.. i do not know how i am to be getting home..

ethan is going home tomorrow :( which sucks a whole lot :(

he has been here like exactly a whole entire week+

EWE chris bezzo

I GOT MY PHONE WORKING! i took it into the place and he activated it for FREE /YES

and yeah this is the moment

you have one day..

one day for what?

they always give an ultimatum


Friday, August 22, 2008

Manage To Create

Yeah, I have been quite busy lately.

I spent like several dollars on clothes, and 3 The Who CDS!
I bought:
-Face Dance
-Live At Leeds

Ethan is still here HA he's staying till like... Sunday.

Tomorrow we're going to the movies with a bunch of people, hopefully. I have no idea how many people can come.

PLUS my phone broke :(
I am hoping to get it fixed like tomorrow...



Friday, August 15, 2008

: O

Okay wow...

I just cleaned my whole room and rigged the whole thing with my freeking huge speakers !
I also bought a new amp yesterday, 65 watts, it. is. freaking. amazing!.
That amp could make a complete retard sound good AHAHA
but yeah, I came to a conclusion today...

Lynyrd Skynyrd is an AWESOME baND!

I was listening to there greatest hits cd (which I have owned for about 2 years) ... (and havent listened to yet haha)...

wow, talent!

Plus, like WOW! AC/DC's album Highway To Hell is there ALMOST ONLY good ONE! besides Powerage and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep,... plus a couple songs....

So yeah like 17 more days till sCHOOL!!!! WOOOO

I'm so pumped! You have no idea!

I love making fun of all the little kids that start in grade 9 lol

It's so amusing,

and plus I know most of the teachers so I can get away with a lot more

Anyways I need to go enjoy my amp/AC DC so TTYL no one

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This Was Work

While I was at some camp i wrote some scriptures, here they are for you to read:

What is with little kids?! why do they have to be so immature?!
I mean, I was that young/immature at one point but WHAT THE HECK!
I'm at this camp thing and there are 2 different dorms, one fopr the guys, and one for the girls.

These little kids that are in my dorm, (the boys dorm) decided it would be funny or cool or something to put tree sap on the door handle of the girl's dorm! In turn the girls decided it would be QUITE fun to put hair gel on our door handle.

There isn't like a bunch of kids doing it, just one retarted kid who really likes female attention. All the power to him.

I am currently laying on a brown leather couch in MR. Ethan Rooney's house. I'm sleeping over and we have stayed up Quite late watching youtube and such. Also hanging out with Liizzzyyyyy and a dog named Major. This dog is PHAT! like wooooohh. Anyways, it's cool, so ALL GOOD!
I do actually want to go home though. I miss my bed, and my computer, and my life.
It's TOTALLY fine that I am here though because me and Ethan rented "strange wilderness", then watched picnicface, thelonelyisland, barat and bretta (or something) and WKUK!! YEAH!~

So yes, I'm a-gun-a steeped tea, smiley

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I watched Mr Deeds last night on tv.
Except with a little twist; it's not the one with Adam Sandler.
It's the one from the 50's.
And I have to say; movies that copy older movies will NEVER be better.
The 50's version was like 100 times better than the new one.
Adam Sandler is not funny. plain and simple. He is disgusting. Not funny in any way!
Ok, I admit, Waterboy was an alright film, but other than that he just plays retarded characters which makes me hate him more.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lets Off Some B-NERDS-irds

SO I have had an EXTREMELY eventful past few days!

Yesterday was like totally woah, Graydon and I decided to walk to the bank, but not without an exciting TWIST!
it began to storm,
like super hard!

So, we darted from tree to tree, store to store, and we finally made it (somehow) to BMO.
After depositing my many cheques, we walked across the street and I purchased an LG Shine!!!!
it is the coolest phone I have ever seen !
And then we had subway.

Today was my last day of work FINALLY!
I cannot wait until I get paid on Wednesday: SHOPPING!!!!!
I'ma get a stereo! and clothes, and a hair cut.

To celebrate the end of this work time, Soppitracus (Mike Soppit) are going to go see Step Brothers at the movie theatres!
And whoever wants to come can, on Tuesday.

This really creepy girl keeps texting me, and yelling at me. If I don't respond, she will send it like 3 times! Yikes, I think I'm just going to stop texting her, we shall see what happens.

I have to add that The Office is thee greatest show on the face of the planet!
I can not stop watching the last episode of the third season! Where Jim asks out Pam!
I'm going to buy season 4 AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT ON DVD!! in September... (and it comes back on tv, in season 5, in October!!!! WOO)

Bye my sweat readers.