Sunday, August 24, 2008

ok so what

.. i was currently at my grandpa's place (nursing home) and i was watching the closing ceremonies for the olympics with him
meanwhile my dog was up on his bed trying to steal his food

and a thought came to my little head.. "wow, the chinese
REALLY try hard to impress people!
they had like thousands of extra people come into the stadium to fill up space! and make china look..... good? iunno* but WO the performancwes were WACK! SO COOL the things they used i had like never ever seen before!
bungi stilts
a bicycle with one wheel that went around the person's head

one thing i did not get about it was the fact that they had two little kids RIGHT in the middle of the dancers.... just.... playing drums :S

i also came to the conclusion (again) that i want to run
so every morning during school i am going to be getting up at 6 AM to go jogging, then catch the bus at quarter to eight

i also don't like medium-long hair, it gets in your eyes, and just looks BAD!
im gettign a hair cut soon so i can spike it up :)
not in the gay way.. in the stylish way!

*i never say that word!

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